ID#: 2517 Aug 26 : Houston : Hajj Workshop

The event has ended!
ROIC, 3110 Eastside Street, Houston, TX, 77098
Friday, August 26, 2016, 7:30PM To 9:00PM
08/19/2016 10:46 AM

River Oaks Islamic Center
Annual Hajj Workshop

ROIC is hosting our annual hajj class on Friday, August 26th, from 7:30pm to 9:30pm.  We will cover all major aspects from what to expect, what to pack, and what the major pillars of hajj will be.

Friday, August 26, 2016
Class starts promptly at 7:30pm.

River Oaks Islamic Center (ROIC)
3110 Eastside Street
Houston, Texas 77098
All are welcome, especially those planning on making the Hajj pilgrimage this year or next year. Hajj is a pillar of Islam and there are lessons to be learned by all.
Registration is simple.  Please email with the number of individuals from your family coming for the class. We need to know this so we can ensure enough class materials are printed for everyone.


Ustadh Arsalan Majid graduated with a diploma in the Arabic language from the Institute of Arabic Language at Medina university. Student at Medina university for past 4.5 years and will be graduating soon Insha Allah from the faculty of Islamic Jurisprudence.

Ustadh Suleiman Dzanic was born in Bosnia and moved to Houston with his family in 1999, where he has been an active member of Houston’s Muslim community. In 2013, he was accepted into the Islamic University of Madinah and completed his Linguistic Qualification Diploma from the Arabic Institute. Suleiman is currently a sophomore at the Islamic University of Madinah, studying in the College of Shari'ah (Fiqh and Usul).

The views represented at the events do not reflect the views of UmmahNow.
Please confirm venue's accuracy by contacting the organizers.


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